


1. Barbell squat

8 sets of 8

40-60 seconds rest 



2. Barbell lunge

8 sets of 8 

40-60 seconds rest 


3. Good morning

8 sets of 8 

40-60 seconds rest


4. Barbell deadlift

8 sets of 8 

40-60 seconds rest 


Now superset 5 & 6


5. Leg Extensions 

8 sets of 8

40-60 seconds rest 


6. Seated leg curl

8 sets of 8

40-60 seconds rest 


Now superset 7 & 8


7. Standing calf raises 

8 sets of 8

40-60 seconds rest 


8. Seated calf raises 

8 sets of 8 

40-60 seconds rest 


9. Cable crunch

5 sets of 12 increasing weight 

40-60 seconds rest



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