Welcome to My Paleo Life

Thanks for stopping by, my name is Chris Young and this website will cover my take on the paleo lifestyle and the fitness programs I have adopted to work for me. My views on this website are my own and I don't claim to be a doctor nor do I have any medical training. Have a look around and get to know me. I welcome your thoughts, comments, tips or personal contact requests. Please use the contact form to get in touch.

So what is the Paleo life or Paleo way?


Well the true Paleo way is to eat and move just like our Palaeolithic ancestors. So to eat what is available by hunting and foraging in our environment. 

The issue in todays world is our environment has changed and time and work factors we have on us simply means people don’t have time or the location to achieve this. This results in mass production and fast solutions. We have fast convenient foods not just take aways but pre made meals and snacks and often the cost of healthy food seems higher than junk fast food.


So am I 100% paleo? No, thats the simple answer. I have what I call a paleo lifestyle, this means for me I eat in a certain way and remain active.

The main thing for me was diet. However don’t think this is a easy way to lose weight and maintain it NO diet is, unless it becomes your lifestyle and then its no longer a diet because its your way of life!


What don’t I eat? So for me there are a few food groups I have completely cut out these are 



Wheat and grains 


Complex Carbs 

Alcohol (except on the very odd occasion)

Sugar and high fructose corn syrup

Legumes (basically pea and beans also peanuts)

Trans fats

Artificial sweeteners 

Processed foods

Starchy foods (which most are covered by complex carbs)


Now the good bit! What do I eat



Fish & seafood




Non complex potatoes (like sweet potatoes / Yams / parsnips /turnips)

Nuts and seeds

Healthy fats and oils

Salt and spices 


How often do I eat? I try and eat at least 6 meals a day this includes protein shakes. This is because for me eating little and often works better (remember everyones body and metabolism is slightly different) see my food diary page for examples. 


So moving and training like a Palaeolithic man? No not really, I go to a modern gym. This in itself is the most convent way for me to train. I work out with as many free weights as possible and do limited cardio work. When I started training I started with running and worked unto 10km a day (fasted i.e on an empty stomach 1st thing in the morning) 6 days a week. However this has a toll on the joints so I adopted a free weight training regime which infect yields better results. I still do a small amount of cardio usually 20 minutes 3 days a week at the end of a workout as this is close to a fasted workout due to most of the food energy being used in the main workout. 


Did I train from day one? No, I only started training 5 years ago all my weight loss and maintenance in the 1st 4-5 years was just lifestyle and food choices.